Rainbow Six Siege – Official Operation Heavy Mettle Ram Gameplay Overview Video

The Rainbow Six Siege – Official Operation Heavy Mettle Ram Gameplay Overview Video was released on August 16, 2023. It gives a detailed look at the new operator Ram, who is a defender from India. Ram is a former police officer who is skilled in close-quarters combat. She has a unique ability called “Rampart”, which allows her to create a temporary shield wall.

The video begins with a brief overview of Ram’s backstory. She is a former police officer who was injured in the line of duty. She is now a defender in Rainbow Six Siege, and she is determined to use her skills to protect her teammates and keep them safe.

The video then goes into more detail about Ram’s ability, Rampart. Rampart allows Ram to create a temporary shield wall that blocks bullets and explosions. The shield wall is made of a durable material that can withstand a lot of damage. Ram can place the shield wall anywhere on the map, and it can be used to block doorways, windows, and other choke points.

The video also shows off some of the ways that Ram can use her Rampart ability to her advantage. For example, she can use it to create a safe zone for her teammates to retreat to, or she can use it to block a doorway and prevent attackers from entering a room.

The Rainbow Six Siege – Official Operation Heavy Mettle Ram Gameplay Overview Video is a great resource for anyone who wants to learn more about the new operator Ram. It provides a detailed overview of her abilities and how she can be used to her advantage.

Here are some of the key things to know about Ram’s Rampart ability:

  • The shield wall is made of a durable material that can withstand a lot of damage.
  • Ram can place the shield wall anywhere on the map.
  • The shield wall can be used to block doorways, windows, and other choke points.
  • Ram can use the shield wall to create a safe zone for her teammates to retreat to.
  • Ram can use the shield wall to block a doorway and prevent attackers from entering a room.

Ram is scheduled to be released in Rainbow Six Siege on August 17, 2023. She will be available as part of the Operation Heavy Mettle expansion.

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